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Grabstracts Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Graphical Abstract Design

A graphical abstract is a visual representation of your research paper’s main findings and conclusions. It typically includes key images or diagrams that illustrate your study’s most significant points.

A graphical abstract can help to quickly and easily convey the most important aspects of your research to readers. It can also help to make your paper stand out and grab the attention of potential readers.

Your graphical abstract should include key images, diagrams, or other visual elements that help to illustrate your research findings. It should also include a brief caption or text box that summarizes the main points of your paper.

The dimensions and file formats for graphical abstracts may vary depending on the journal or publication. Be sure to check the guidelines and requirements before creating your graphical abstract. Common file formats include JPG, PNG, and TIFF.

Yes, you can use images or diagrams from your paper in your graphical abstract. However, it is important to ensure that you have the necessary permissions to use any copyrighted material.

Your graphical abstract should be concise and focused on summarizing the main findings and conclusions of your research. Generally, it is best to keep the text to a minimum and focus on using visuals to convey your message. Some journals may specify a word limit for graphical abstracts, such as 150-250 words.

No, you should not include references in your graphical abstract. Instead, focus on summarizing the key findings and conclusions of your research in a clear and concise manner.

The submission process for graphical abstracts may vary depending on the journal or publication. Typically, you will need to submit your graphical abstract as a separate file along with your manuscript submission. Be sure to follow the guidelines and instructions provided by the journal or publication for submitting your graphical abstract.

When designing your graphical abstract, be sure to use clear and concise language, and avoid including too much information or cluttered visuals. Use colors and other visual elements strategically to highlight important points, and be sure to adhere to any guidelines or requirements set forth by the journal or publication.

Figure Formatting

A: Figures should be submitted in a high-resolution, print-ready format such as TIFF, EPS, or PDF.

A: Figures should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch) to ensure they look clear and crisp when printed.

A: Figures should be labeled clearly and sequentially in the order they are mentioned in the text. The label should include a brief description of the figure and any necessary annotations.

A: Yes, you can use color in your figures, but it is important to ensure that they are distinguishable in black and white as well. Also, make sure to use color consistently throughout the figure and use appropriate color schemes.

A: Generally, you should avoid using images from the internet in your figures as they may be subject to copyright laws. If you must use an image from the internet, make sure to obtain permission and provide proper attribution.

A: Yes, you should include a legend that explains the meaning of any symbols or abbreviations used in the figure. If your figure includes a scale, you should also include a scale bar.

A: You can either reduce the size of the figure or break it up into smaller panels. If you break the figure up into panels, make sure to label them clearly and arrange them in a logical sequence.

A: This varies depending on the journal and the type of publication. Check the submission guidelines for the specific journal you are submitting to for their requirements.

A: Yes, you can use images or data from your previous publications in your current publication, but you must provide proper attribution and citation. Make sure to also check with the journal to ensure they allow self-plagiarism.

A: Figures can be used to supplement or replace text in your publication, but it is important to use them appropriately and effectively. Figures should be used to enhance the reader’s understanding of the text and provide additional information, rather than as a substitute for clear and concise writing.

Academic Illustration

Academic illustration is the use of visual aids, such as diagrams, charts, graphs, and illustrations, to communicate complex ideas, data, and information in academic settings.

Academic illustration helps to convey information in a clear and concise manner. It can also make complex concepts more accessible to a wider audience, including students, researchers, and the general public.

There are many types of academic illustrations, including diagrams, charts, graphs, maps, flowcharts, timelines, scientific illustrations, anatomical illustrations, and conceptual illustrations.

Some tips for creating effective academic illustrations include using clear and simple language, choosing appropriate colors and fonts, using a consistent style throughout, and making sure the illustration is accurate and relevant to the content.

It is generally best to avoid using copyrighted images in your academic illustrations, as this can potentially lead to copyright infringement. Instead, try to create your own illustrations or use public domain or Creative Commons-licensed images.

Yes, academic illustrations can be used for commercial purposes, but you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder if the illustration includes copyrighted material.

Yes, academic illustrations are commonly used in scientific publications such as research papers, journal articles, and conference proceedings. They can help to visualize data, explain complex concepts, and support arguments or hypotheses.

To make sure your academic illustrations are accessible to all readers, you should consider using alt-text descriptions for images, providing text-based equivalents for visual content, and ensuring that your illustrations are readable for people with visual impairments (e.g. by using high contrast colors and large fonts).

Yes, academic illustrations can be used to promote scientific outreach and communication, especially when presenting research findings to a wider audience. Clear and engaging visualizations can help to make scientific research more accessible and interesting to the general public.

Infographic creation

A: An infographic is a visual representation of information or data that presents complex information in an easy-to-understand way. Infographics can include charts, graphs, diagrams, images, and other visual elements.

A: Infographics are a great way to communicate complex research findings to a broad audience. They can help you convey information more effectively than text alone, making your research more accessible and engaging to readers.

A: When creating an infographic for research publication, consider the following tips:

  • Use a clear and concise title that accurately reflects the content of the infographic.
  • Choose a color scheme that is visually appealing and easy to read.
  • Use visual elements such as graphs, charts, and images to convey information.
  • Keep the infographic simple and easy to understand, avoiding clutter or excessive detail.
  • Provide context for the data presented, including sources and citations.
  • Test the infographic on a sample audience to ensure it is effective.

A: To ensure that your infographic is accessible to all readers, consider the following tips:

  • Use high-contrast colors for text and visual elements.
  • Provide alternative text descriptions for images and other visual elements.
  • Ensure that the infographic is compatible with screen readers and other assistive technologies.
  • Provide a text-only version of the infographic for readers who cannot access the visual elements.

A: Some best practices for designing an effective infographic for research publication include:

  • Choosing a clear and concise message or main point for the infographic
  • Organizing the information in a logical and coherent manner
  • Using consistent fonts and styles throughout the infographic
  • Using white space effectively to improve readability and avoid clutter
  • Using high-quality graphics and images that are relevant to the topic
  • Choosing an appropriate size and format for the infographic based on its intended use

A: When conveying statistical data in an infographic, consider using graphs, charts, and diagrams to illustrate the data. Choose the appropriate type of graph or chart based on the type of data you are presenting. Use clear and concise labels, and provide context and explanations for the data presented.

A: It is generally not advisable to use copyrighted images or graphics in your infographic without permission from the copyright holder. Instead, consider using royalty-free images or graphics that are available for commercial use or creating your own graphics and images.

A: To promote your infographic and reach a wider audience, consider sharing it on social media, submitting it to infographic directories, and reaching out to relevant publications or websites in your field. You can also include the infographic in presentations or lectures, and use it as a visual aid during talks or webinars.

A: Some common mistakes to avoid when creating an infographic for research publication include:

  • Using unclear or overly complex language or visuals
  • Failing to provide proper context or explanation for the data presented
  • Using inaccurate or misleading data or visual representations
  • Ignoring accessibility considerations for readers with disabilities
  • Failing to properly cite sources or give credit for graphics or images used in the infographic.

Conference poster creation

A: A conference poster is a visual representation of research findings, typically presented on a large board at a conference. Posters usually include a combination of text, images, and graphs or charts to convey research findings.

A: Presenting a conference poster is a great opportunity to share your research findings with a broader audience and engage with other researchers and professionals in your field. It can also help you get feedback on your research and make connections with potential collaborators or employers.

A: When creating a conference poster, consider the following tips:

  • Use a clear and concise title that accurately reflects the content of the poster.
  • Use a readable font size and typeface for the text, and use headings and subheadings to organize the information.
  • Use visual elements such as images, graphs, and charts to convey information.
  • Keep the poster simple and easy to understand, avoiding clutter or excessive detail.
  • Provide context for the data presented, including sources and citations.
  • Test the poster on a sample audience to ensure it is effective.

A: To ensure that your conference poster is accessible to all readers, consider the following tips:

  • Use high-contrast colors for text and visual elements.
  • Provide alternative text descriptions for images and other visual elements.
  • Ensure that the poster is compatible with screen readers and other assistive technologies.
  • Provide a printed or digital text-only version of the poster for readers who cannot access the visual elements.

A: Some best practices for designing an effective conference poster include:

  • Choosing a clear and concise message or main point for the poster
  • Organizing the information in a logical and coherent manner
  • Using consistent fonts and styles throughout the poster
  • Using white space effectively to improve readability and avoid clutter
  • Using high-quality graphics and images that are relevant to the topic
  • Choosing an appropriate size and format for the poster based on conference guidelines

A: It is generally not advisable to use copyrighted images or graphics in your conference poster without permission from the copyright holder. Instead, consider using royalty-free images or graphics that are available for commercial use or creating your own graphics and images.

A: When conveying statistical data in your conference poster, consider using graphs, charts, and diagrams to illustrate the data. Choose the appropriate type of graph or chart based on the type of data you are presenting. Use clear and concise labels, and provide context and explanations for the data presented.

A: Some common mistakes to avoid when creating a conference poster include:

  • Using unclear or overly complex language or visuals
  • Failing to provide proper context or explanation for the data presented
  • Using inaccurate or misleading data or visual representations
  • Ignoring accessibility considerations for readers with disabilities
  • Failing to properly cite sources or give credit for graphics or images used in the poster.

A: In some cases, it may be possible to update your conference poster after it has been printed if new information becomes available or if you identify errors or inaccuracies. However, you should check with conference

Cover Image Design

A: A cover image for a journal is an image or illustration that is selected to represent a specific issue or volume of a journal. The cover image is often used to visually highlight the content of the journal and to attract readers to the publication.

A: A cover image is important for a journal because it can help to attract readers to the publication and to visually convey the focus and content of the issue or volume. A well-designed cover image can help to differentiate the journal from other publications and to create a strong visual identity for the publication.

A: When designing a cover image for a journal, consider the following factors:

  • The focus and content of the issue or volume being represented
  • The target audience for the publication
  • The visual style and aesthetic of the publication
  • The size and format of the cover image, as well as any text or logos that will be included

A: Some tips for creating an effective cover image for a journal include:

  • Choosing an image or illustration that is visually striking and relevant to the content of the issue or volume
  • Using high-quality images and ensuring that the resolution is suitable for printing
  • Using a color scheme that is consistent with the visual identity of the journal
  • Incorporating any text or logos in a way that is visually appealing and does not detract from the image
  • Considering the layout and composition of the cover image to ensure that it is visually balanced and appealing.

A: To ensure that your cover image is accessible to all readers, consider the following tips:

  • Use high-contrast colors and a clear font for any text included in the image
  • Provide alternative text descriptions for any images or illustrations
  • Consider using a simple and uncluttered design that is easy to read and understand
  • Ensure that the cover image is compatible with screen readers and other assistive technologies.

A: Some common mistakes to avoid when creating a cover image for a journal include:

  • Using unclear or overly complex images or illustrations
  • Failing to consider the target audience for the publication
  • Using a color scheme or visual style that is not consistent with the visual identity of the journal
  • Using images or illustrations that are not high-quality or suitable for printing
  • Ignoring accessibility considerations for readers with disabilities.

A: It is generally not advisable to use copyrighted images or graphics in your cover image for a journal without permission from the copyright holder. Instead, consider using royalty-free images or graphics that are available for commercial use or creating your own images or graphics.

A: To ensure that your cover image is visually appealing and effective, consider the following tips:

  • Choose an image or illustration that is visually striking and relevant to the content of the issue or volume
  • Use a color scheme and visual style that is consistent with the visual identity of the journal
  • Consider the layout and composition of the image to ensure that it is visually balanced and appealing
  • Use high-quality images and